Monday, October 27, 2008

Snuggles and Teets

Well hey mom & dad! As you've heard, I'm losing my hair. Only the pretty white stuff though. The crazy top hair is totally fine. Apparently I'm the "lil monkey butt" now. Whatever. That doesn't sound pretty at all!

Anyway, the cold weather we're having makes us all CRAZY-hyper. Between me, Ra, Cinco de Miles, & Angel, we have a regular zoo in the yard!! It's a blast. We chase each other in circles. I'm BY FAR the fastest. SOmtimes, though, I get called in for playing too rough when Angel's over. She's such a bitch! Oh how I adore legal, legitimate cuss words! (that's me, Abbey, btw, not Tica. Hee hee...)

So back to me... well here's some photos for your enjoyment. First is me with Tal & Teresa. This was initially taken with the intention of provoking you to jealousy, so that you would come back home soon!! We miss you!! But it turned into me just snuggling up to Mrs Teresa for the long haul. Sweet peeps, those Princes.

And this is my "Say Cheese!!" shot. Hope you love it cuz I was trying to take a nap.

And below is my new bestest bud. Wilson & I have become very close, as he is home most of the days while the other boys are at school. He's a kind boy and I like him alot. I also tolerate him well too. :)

This next one is typical Wilson clowning around during "nap time" with me (as if I got a lick of sleep) but what a ham!!

And last but certainly not least, this is Wilby counting my teets. That's right. He discovered that I had some "dots" on my belly. He then lifted his own shirt and said (to his mom ) "these aren't noo-noos, mommy! There's only suppossed to be two. So these aren't her noo-noos! She just has alot of dots on her tummy. But no noo-noos."
So there you have it...

And below is just a simple reminder of me in my sleepy, snuggly position. (nose to ankle)
And let me just say, if I were in Taiwan, I would snuggle you to pieces cuz I miss you!! But since I'm here, I will think of you while I snuggle the 3 little boys instead. (And my foster mom of course, but only when its safe to sneak into their bed... after foster dad is snoring, that is. It's all in the timing.)Anyway, I love you mucho mucho mucho amore'!!!
Your little stinker,


Sharon Miner said...

Tica tell Abbey how very much I love how she helps you blog. In fact Stacey, Sheila and I laughed and laughed at your blog last week. And...I was so excited about today's edition I sent them the link directly.

Unknown said...

Well, Tica, all of these pictures of how cute you are snuggling with all of your new friends certainly has made me jealous! It is good that you have learned how to play with other doggies and kitties. And, I am really glad that you are patient with Wilby as he counts your "non noo-noos" :0)

Abbey said...

Yeah mom, Wilby is quite the challenge for me to understand. He doesn't like to sleep during the day, EVER! Which in and of itself is wierd, but to call me outside during one of my naps to "play bulldozers"? I'm just not so much into heavy machinery. I'm really more into naps. So maybe that's why my hair is thinning... My beauty rest has diminished considreably since I've been here!
Well I love & miss you, but get quite the treatment here just the same, so no worries! :)