Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Big Day Coming Up...

Just thought I'd let you know that I've been invited to Anderson's school on the 29th for pet day. I thought you could be doing a wee bit of praying for this upcoming catastrophe, I mean, event.

I hope I don't freak out or go crazy, as I do tend to get a pinch excited around my boys!!
With this in mind, we are planning a couple of trips to Petsmart, so that I can see how well I do in large public buildings with lots of strangers. Another concern is that I might mistake this outing for a trip to the veterinarian, in which case I would spend the entire visit trembling in fear and jumping into my mom's arms, in leiu of doing my tricks. Not exactly what the teacher has in mind, I'm certain.

That said, if I pass the Petsmart tests, then I'll be groomed (so that I'm pretty), and then we'll pick out a Halloween costume for me to wear, in hopes that it will divert the children's attention away from my hairless monkey-butt.

Well that's all for now, as I'm sleepy. Stay tuned for pictures after the big day!

Your little stinker,
Queen LaTica-Lica

1 comment:

Chris and Ashley said...

Wow, Tica! What an exciting time. It might be good for you to be just a little bit misbehaved so that all the other kids won't try to steal you and take you home with them. Good luck at PetsMart and I can't wait to see pictures! Give your new mom and great big kiss for me! :0)